Book Release: The Long Hot Walk


LHW_cover-webWhen I was eight-years-old my mother appeared at my classroom door and we began our walk. We walked for days across the wide open New Mexico desert, straddling a cracked and crumbling Route 66 with no water or food. The journey would lead to an eclectic cast of saints and sinners tucked into a Catholic boarding house for Navaho women in the fading jewel of Gallup, New Mexico. It would lead to steely mental institutions, literally, pants-on-fire, and a murdered rooster (strictly self-defense, I swear!).

This work has been a labor of love and at times a bumpy self-examination. I wrote it in an effort to share my story and to illuminate the countless families navigating the turbulent waters of mental illness and homelessness. Every time I have a reading or speak about this book, I am approached by another good soul with a sibling, child or parent suffering the paralyzing symptoms of schizophrenia. I was luckier than many. My mother was defiant and loving in the face of her illness and I wouldn’t be here were it not so.

The following is the first of excerpts to be posted in the coming days. You can find retailers for the book at or buy the book at

The Long Hot Walk

     After walking all day, we had dinner in a run-down diner and found a trailer park that had a makeshift launderette in a drab little cinder block room. It consisted of three washers and dryers and a couple of molded plastic chairs that were scuffed and ready for the landfill.
     I sat on the stairs out in the growing darkness, smelling detergent and residue from the dryers as it mingled with the frying of various trailer park dinners.
A chill crept up across the desert as stars winked on. It gets cold in the desert at night. You wouldn’t think so in the baking oven heat of the day.
     My feet were sore and I was so tired that I imagined myself to be an overcooked noodle as I slumped my ribs over my knees. I took a look at my shoes, black numbers, open on the top with buckles on the sides. Mary Jane’s. They were shoes made of dirt now. I couldn’t even see my socks through the top strappy part, just dust. I attempted to wipe some of it off and clean them with my thumb and a bit of spit, but it just seemed to rearrange the dirt, so I gave it up.
     No one came to do their laundry that night, which was good because we looked pretty suspicious, hanging around with no clothes to wash and no money with which to wash them.
     After awhile, sleep got the best of me and I curled up on the washing machines. I’d wake throughout the night, fluorescent lights painting everything with a green tinge, including Ma. She was always awake, sitting up straight in that hard chair, lips working, as if reading an invisible book or magazine. Now and then she’d laugh, her eyes glassy and unfocused. I’d turn over and go back to sleep.
     I woke up in the morning, stiff and cold. She was still in the chair. She looked up at me and said, “Well, good morning.”

Yearly art show bash in Seattle!



Hey guys and dolls. Save the date for our sweet, sweet Holiday Art Party at the super cool Piranha Shop gallery in the shadow of the mighty Seahawks Stadium. There’ll be food stuffs and music and wine by Welcome Road Winery. I’m doing my part by painting my heinie off and Brooke Belman will have brand-spankin, amazeballs photos for your viewing enjoyment. Invite all your pals and don’t you dare miss it!

Best painting prize in Still Point Gallery’s ‘Earth Water Fire Air: Our World in Abstract’ juried competition


24 x 24, Acrylic, pastel and gold leaf on canvas

24 x 24, Acrylic, pastel and gold leaf on canvas

I’m please to announce I’ve been awarded Best Painting in Still Point Gallery‘s Earth Water Fire Air: Our World in Abstract. There’s some great work in the show and I’m honored to be part of it.

Still Point Art Gallery is a production of Shanti Arts Publishing, promoters and champions of artists and writers around the globe.

What the heck is it?


abstract_art_pieceAbstract art uses color, shapes and lines to create art independent from visual references in the world. A type of art full of expression and passion. And yes, abstract means something that is not attempting to represent reality but with a basic idea of the history of abstract art, you can apply a method to every painting you see—so when you’re faced with a “what the heck am I looking at” piece, you’ll know where to begin. Artsicle has a great blog to help understand the language of the abstract.


Abstract Thinking


24 x 24, Acrylic, pastel, brass tacks and gold leaf on wood panel

24 x 24, Acrylic, pastel, brass tacks and gold leaf on wood panel

Linus Galleries out of LA, Pasadena and Long Beach California hosts regular online competitions to promote a range of artistic themes and disciplines. I’m please to announce a painting of mine in the ‘Red’ series is a finalist in the international Abstracts competition. Finalists go on to be judged for acceptance in a live show in one of the Linus Gallery locations so fingers crossed, I may be headed to the Golden State.

NW Cityscapes at Kirkland Performance Center



I’ve got 2 pieces in the Kirkland Performance Center’s NW Cityscapes show through July. Reception Friday, June 6 – 7:00 p.m. Can’t wait to see the Northwest inspiration.

Northwest Life – Land | City Scapes showcases the Pacific Northwest through landscapes and cityscapes. The works celebrate the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest landscapes and the contrasting vibrancy and verve of the architectural beauty of the Pacific Northwest city life with its melting pot of various cultures and ethnicities. Curated by Savita Krishnamoorthy and Deepti Shanka.


Fine Wine, Fine Art


On A Breeze 8" x 8" Acrylic on Wood Panel

8″ x 8″ Acrylic on Wood Panel

The Lodi Community Art Center at the Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Winery in Lodi California is hosting its 54th annual Spring Show and one of my pieces was accepted. The event is one of the largest open-juried art show in Northern California and promises to be a fabulous weekend of wine tasting, art exhibits and a grand costume gala. The art is hung in the winery’s storage facilities and guests wander amid the wine barrels, viewing the art and mingling with artists and friends. The benefit makes make possible the many programs which the art center brings to the community throughout the year. Preview Gala  April 11, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Open Juried Art Show runs April 11, 12 & 13.

Wild at Art


Ancient Migration 12 x 24

12″ x 24″ Acrylic, printed salmon, pastel, gold leaf and brass screws on wood panel.

Sweetwater Center for the Arts in Sewickley, Pennsylvania hosts a summer-long campaign to increase awareness of the Center’s offerings. Wild Things includes a reception on Friday, April 4, 6:00-9:00 p.m. and the show runs April 4 thru June 21, 2014. I’m proud to have a painting in this amazing show that shows off talent from around the globe. Sweetwater offers art classes, exhibitions, as well as outreach programs and community events. If you happen to be in PA this summer, look for a building engulfed by the giant sea creature created by British street artist Filthy Luker and take a walk on the Wild side.