Weathering Storms

A rain painting in progress.

When I was a child a rainstorm was an event. My mother and I would stand in the doorway, watching the New Mexico desert transform. I’d breathe that earthy perfume and watch as the water collected, miraculously, into shiny pools.

I never lost that feeling of rain as transformative and when I moved to Seattle the rain eventually became part of my painting practice. Acrylic paint uniquely lends itself to this rain collaboration. The pigment dries quickly, acting as a ground for drops and rivulets to leave their mark. The planned and accidental merge to form a beautiful juxtaposition of human exertion and the simple, natural process of water falling to earth.

The world in which we live can be noisy, jarring, overwhelming. These works are, for me, sacred. They are a shelter from that constant storm. A quiet place to hide and listen to the rain.