Center On Contemporary Art Juried Show


I was pleased to have one of my paintings accepted to the Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA), On the Natural. The show examines various interpretations of the term ‘natural’. Does it apply to a lack of artifice? To what feels like it comes naturally? Or does the theme encompass organic nature? All very interesting interpretations and the accepted work did not disappoint. Artists from all backgrounds and points of view were curated and I am beyond thrilled to have my painting chosen for the catalog cover.

I examine the role of nature in urban landscapes in my work so I was very interested in the work in the show, which was wide-ranging and conceptual. I also participated in a 12-panel artist discussion on the topic, which was lively and, at times, very moving.

The show is particularly poignant because celebrated glass artist Ginny Ruffner was the juror. Ginny is known as an innovative, dynamic artist and collaborator and I was very much looking forward to speaking with her and thanking her for selecting my piece. Unfortunately, this Seattle icon passed away the day before the panel discussion and her absence was palpable. Her 20 foot high led wall of color and light at the Nordic Museum is awe inspiring and she was very excited about using AI to produce interactive sculptures. I am very sorry we will not benefit from all work she had planned. All I can say is thank you to CoCA for this experience and thank you very much to Ginny Ruffner for all the beauty and color.

Oh, that glorious rain


Got out in the hard rain to make a painting. Please note how the painting is continually changing with the rainfall. The white layer melts, exposing the dark background and the dark brush strokes melt, exposing the white middle layer. The rain, literally making a work of art. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did painting it. Fountain of Joy, 48″ x 48″ x 1″(122 x 122 x 3 cm), acrylic with rain water and oxidized brass leaf on canvas.

Painting Ghosts


I often take photos of works in progress to watch the building of ideas and structure, changing course as needed. Paintings can start with a sketch but room is always left for collisions with inspiration and freedom of expression. As ever, I love working with natural processes like falling rain and oxidized metal. To me these works are sacred and tranquil pieces, conjuring ghosts from my past and pointing to the possibilities of the future.

Work in Progress: Barn Owl


I caught a snow pattern for a background on a little painting in the winter of 2022. I had now idea what I was going to do with it but I knew I wanted that snow. Earlier this year I became very interested in owls and I decided to paint this vibrant barn owl. All my work utilizes a lot of water and delicious, liquid effects. This painting is a favorite of mine. I hope you enjoy the process.

Weathering Storms


A rain painting in progress.

When I was a child a rainstorm was an event. My mother and I would stand in the doorway, watching the New Mexico desert transform. I’d breathe that earthy perfume and watch as the water collected, miraculously, into shiny pools.

I never lost that feeling of rain as transformative and when I moved to Seattle the rain eventually became part of my painting practice. Acrylic paint uniquely lends itself to this rain collaboration. The pigment dries quickly, acting as a ground for drops and rivulets to leave their mark. The planned and accidental merge to form a beautiful juxtaposition of human exertion and the simple, natural process of water falling to earth.

The world in which we live can be noisy, jarring, overwhelming. These works are, for me, sacred. They are a shelter from that constant storm. A quiet place to hide and listen to the rain.

Women United


I was delighted to be informed that I got into the Spring issue of the international arts magazine Women United. The caliber of the work from around the globe is truly thought provoking and inspiring. Thank you to all who labor to promote women in the arts. It’s an exciting time to be a creative.

An American in Portugal


Works on paper created in Portugal.

In January of this new year, I was offered a short residency on some property in rural Portugal owned by the lovely folks at Welcome Road Winery. I packed my bags and stowed 3 tubes of paint – red, yellow, and blue (these can make all the colors of the rainbow).

Once I landed in Lisbon I found an art supply store and with in my tortured Portuguese I asked for paper and tape. Luckily, the very friendly clerk was better at English and I found what I was able to buy some very good cold press watercolor paper.

The Portuguese weather was rainy with sun breaks so I was able to capture rain on the page and get some work accomplished outdoors on the gorgeous property. I incorporated the dark, loamy soil from the acreage in some of the works to inform the heart and soul of the place.

I’m looking forward to finding a venue to show these little gems in the coming year. For now I’m busy naming, matting and framing each piece. What a dream of an experience for any artist to be able to work in such a special place. Thank you to the award-winning Welcome Road Winery for their generosity and kindness.

First Friday in Camas, WA


Attic Gallery in Camas, WA has a rich and illustrious history. The gallery was started in, of all things, the attic of Diana Faville’s home in 1973. Since then the gallery has grown into an institution in the arts community, with collectors world wide. I’ve enjoyed the gallery’s representation since 2020, and was asked if I’d host a solo show for First Friday in February. To round out the show I was paired with sculptor Anna Wiancko-Chasman. The work complemented each other well, as Anna and I both draw upon influences from the natural world.

The reception was a lot of fun and the gallery was filled with people coming and going, as the conversation and the wine flowed. I met some lovely people, talked art and listened to the jazz stylings of virtuoso guitarist John Stowell. What a great night. A big thank you to Maria, Diana and Tommer for their generosity and care on behalf of local artists. If you are in the Portland, Oregon area, check out this gem of a gallery!

Sculptor Anna Wiancko-Chasman and I soaking up First Friday in Camas.

A little gem in progress


I started this painting a little more than four years ago. The background was painted, with falling rain used to create a nice, organic pattern. And that’s about as far as it got. I usually keep a number of paintings in progress and this poor little board was shuffled to the bottom of the pile over and over. Recently I was working on another small piece and I found this in the stack. It was brand new to me again and that gave me what I needed to get it to the finish line. Hope you enjoy the process.

Auction wine label commission to benefit Woodland Park Zoo


Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo hosts a yearly fundraiser/celebration called Jungle Party. Welcome Road Winery kindly offered a unique wine for the occasion and the winning auction bidder requested a special wine label celebrating the life of Melati, Woodland Park Zoo’s curious and playful orangutan. I was lucky enough to be selected to create the label. Here’s how the label was created.